
One of the many (honestly over the top) characters I have made, Roy, is some kind of samurai cyborg dude. This is my third attempt at making a character with defined muscles, and by far is my best attempt at it. The over definition of the muscles is because he is actually wearing a suit made of synthetic muscle. His normal body is not that muscular. He exists in the same universe as Arvamond. I wanted to make him use a lot of lighter colors to contrast with Arvamond’s mostly dark colors. His hair and face was inspired by old renaissance paintings of saints and angels.

Not only does he have poseable bones, but I used rigify for this model (it is truly magical and I need to use it more)

Front view.

Back view.

A look at his shoulder armor. It is obviously based off of samurai shoulder armor, but i also wanted a mechanical aspect for it, so i made the way it is suspended be a robotic arm based off of industrial manufacturing robotic arms.

The sword. It is black because it is supposed to be some kind of carbon fiber. Imagine using normal swords in the future. The sword is not supposed to be a katana, but actually a tachi. (it is different I swear)

A zoomed in perspective on the grip. I also made the texture myself with a length of paracord.

A closer look at the knife on his back. He dosen’t use this one for fighting, but uses it as a utility knife.

A look at his spine.

A look at his face. Faces are NOT easy to make.




